Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Mitch Taulbee

Apr. 20, 2022


Good afternoon, 

I am writing this email to you today because I believe the new rule being proposed (SR-NSCC-2022-003) is NOT being done in good faith and will only further contribute to the ongoing market manipulation, abuses, and damage to retail investors. 

The integrity of our financial markets in America (or should I say the retail investor's perception of integrity) has eroded completely with the lack of enforcement by the SEC along with such blatant and ongoing abuses. 

As if the public's perception of our markets hasn't been tainted enough already, now rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 is being proposed which will exacerbate the ongoing abuses of synthetic shares being created for naked shorting, as it will provide an additional avenue for those abusing the system to get out from under the obligations of clearing FTDs. 

This new rule is completely unacceptable and is contradictory to the idea of a free and fair market. 


Mitch Taulbee