Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 Comment
From: Dan Leach

Apr. 20, 2022


Dear SEC, 

I, like many investors, have been following the troubling details of fails to deliver and abusive short selling in our current markets. This above rule proposal is another attempt to cover up abusive short selling by the ultra wealthy. It is absolutely appalling to have to keep seeing this same rule with mild tweaks being pushed through for commenting. I work hard for my living and have a lot of money in the US markets and find it disturbing that the financial elite seem to have a "get out of jail free" card when they make poor investment decisions. This rule effectively lets them make poor financial decisions and when they do not work out for them, have permission to just forgo their responsibility to take a loss. This would be similar to me going to a grocery store and taking whatever goods I want and telling the owner I will pay them later with no intention of ever paying them back. It is absolutely disgusting. Perhaps there wouldn't be a growing divide between the ultra wealthy and the rest of America if they were held accountable for their decisions like I am. This plan to forever can kick FTDs is blatant corruption. Allowing rules like these to come into effect shows the SEC has no intentions of actually doing their job, but instead is protecting the ultra wealthy. This has gone on for too long, perhaps the markets need a reset. Corruption runs deep, and people are waking up to it. Please get rid of these proposed rule changes that further worsen the markets current problems and consider forcing actual price discovery. The people know what needs to be done, and so do you. The changes in SR-NSCC-2022-003 are unethical, and STEAL from regular investors. STEALING is all this will allow, with further coverups. 

Dr. Dan Leach