Subject: SR NSCC 2022 003 and 801
From: Antonio Foley

Apr. 20, 2022



I admit to not knowing as much as the high end investors or the associates/agents within the SEC. However, I can see that these rule proposals do nothing to protect retail investors. 

Why does the SEC protect these financial institutions that do nothing but rob our country's wealth? This has to end.. 

Those involved in these bad bets are liable and need to be held accountable. The constant defense of these criminals is, in fact, a crime in itself. 

There are people, whether you believe we are too small or not, that have exposed this for what it is... fraud. 

Hold the institutions accountable, PLEASE. 

What does the everyday person have to do to be heard? 

Dark pools, FTD's, price manipulation, mainstream media manipulation, high frequency trading, algorithm trading, billions in backing and these institutions still cheat. 

This is downright evil and Im sorry but, the SEC seems to be turning a blind eye. 

The country truly is on the brink of disaster.. are you going to help? Or be part of the dismantling? 


An extremely concerned American. 
