Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: xam siub

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it concerns, 

As a Brit happily invested in your markets I am deeply alarmed by the potential for abuse in this proposed rule and believe it would be hugely worrying, monstrously unfair to a free, fair and transparent market and indicative of a terrifying direction we head in as a species and society. 

To me it seems western stock markets work in undeniable ways to make more money for the few than the public and I honestly believe this is morally criminal. Please, this rule seems to be a new loophole for the more profitable less scrupulous market players to bury their bad bets into SFT’s thereby making true price discovery completely and unforgivably impossible. To the layman I am it reads like you’re going to make naked shorting impossible by giving naked shorters an easy way to avoid consequence for their criminality. I am terrified to think naked shorting exists without your knowledge in our age of technological advancement. If naked shorting exists, the risk should be limitless,(W. Buffet)are you going to be responsible for legalising this? 

As a society and free market we have normalised the major market players operating largely in shadows and there is blood and endless anguish on the hands of the complicit. 

This will demolish faith in your markets in the long run. 

I thank and appreciate all ye helpful.