Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Ben McC

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 

As a retail investor in the UK, I am placing my faith in the global financial system (that the US is currently the anchor point) to ensure that my investments are treated in a fair and transparent manner. 

Policies set forth in SR-NSCC-2022-003 are not in the interests of retail, and are actively enabling the deplorable manipulation of the markets by alleviating the risks for those that would choose to do so. 

You must genuinely realise that what is being proposed here is fundamentally wrong in keeping faith in the SEC as a fair regulator, even if you wont see them for the societal and ethical issues they pose. 

Thanks to actions like these I am becoming increasingly concerned about the state of the markets, and as a consequence the prospects of my entire generation. 

As the supposed custodians of retails best interests (and therefore the markets themselves) You must take swift action to prevent blatant attempts at legal manipulation such as the SFTs included within this policy. 
