Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: C O'C

Apr. 20, 2022


Good afternoon, 

As a retail investor, I am extremely troubled to hear about the content within this proposed rule. How would blatant fraud & corruption protect the stock market and investors? 
Allowing market makers to abuse the system by continuing and worsening the usage of FTD's, in conjunction with naked short selling and dark pool trading is allowing them to control the price and economy to their liking. 

This proposed rule is in no way beneficial to investors or the economy. In fact, it is the exact opposite of what the SEC claims to be responsible for; "taking action against wrongdoers, and overseeing our securities markets and firms to ensure that investors are treated fairly and honestly". 

Please, do not allow SFT's proposed in this rule, to create new and potentially endless layers of can-kicking to be allowed by which the financial obligations of the FTD's get passed along instead of settled. This is not acceptable and creates an opportunity to harm retail investors, and it violates our rights for a free and fair market. The manipulation and abuse of retail investors needs to stop. 

Please remove this proposed rule and please, for the love of all things, do not even consider this rule again in the future. It is a waste of resources and time to continue to allow this abuse. 

Please, do what this entity was designed to do, PROTECT THE RETAIL INVESTOR. 

Thank you in advance, and again, please live up to your promises and help investors from predatory behaviors by financial institutions. 

Charles - Retail investor.