Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003 comment
From: Patrick Stowe

Apr. 20, 2022

Hello, to whom it may concern.

As a blue collar individual investor, I find it absolutely disgraceful when I come across these proposed rule changes. A 188 page document written in complete Wall Street/financial degree non sense. I consider myself a well educated, well read person, however you have to be completely daft to think this proposal wasn’t written in such a way to confuse individual investors. THIS HAS TO STOP!! (It also makes it very clear which proposals will most likely hurt individual investors and regular citizens as they are all written in this convoluted matter)

Another long winded Wall Street lobbied proposal to protect the  prime brokers/big banks/Wall Street.
If I understand this at all, it seems insane to me that if this passes, it allows them some other shady avenue to not be held accountable for their greed and FTD’s. ARE THERE NOT ENOUGH LOOPHOLES FOR THESE PEOPLE ALREADY!!!!

It’s time to hold these leetches accountable and shut down this money printing/ wealth extraction system that is plaguing the stock market.
Make them responsible for their failed “bets” just as any investor in the stock market would.
This proposal should be shut down IMMEDIATELY and much much for focus should be directed to making markets MORE fair rather than less so.

Thank you very much for your time.

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