Subject: comments on SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: N/A

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom;
As a retail investor I do NOT support the adoption of SR-NSCC-2022-003.
This is yet again another attempt to allow bad actors off the hook from the obligations for which they are responsible. Please do not allow Security Financial Transactions in this proposal to invent new pathways of corruption, where the financial obligations of the shares that were sold short and failed to be delivered are to continue to be swept under the rug without consequences. This proposal does nothing to advance retail investor protections and looks to be a quick and permanent fix to protect the bad actors from their current and future obligations to cover their failed to delivered shares. Please do your part to make people believe there might be any fairness to this so called free market and reject this proposal now and on all future submissions.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jim Ferguson