Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Nick Crofoot

Apr. 20, 2022


The intent of this rule is the opposite of promoting an open, transparent, and fair market for ALL investors and traders. This is a direct attack on retail investors and the main intent is to protect large institutional investors who become over-extended on their short positions. If they make losing bets, they should pay the full price of their failed investing strategy. If this rule passes, it would remove all pretext that the american stock market is an even playing field for all investors. This would only solidify the notion that the market is rigged in favor of the giant institutional investment firms who already have an unfair advantage by way of dark pools, PFOF, naked short selling, allowing a single institution to operate as both a hedge fund AND market maker at the same time, and on and on. 
Either don't pass this rule or lose all credibility as the supposed Wall Street rules enforcers. 
Thank You