Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-03
From: Rickard Bengtsson

Apr. 20, 2022


Im a Swede heavily invested in the US stock market. 

This new proposed Rule (in title) is a direct threat to retail investors. 

In a market thats already heavily favouring hedge funds, with No Transparency whatsoever. This Rule proposal is insulting! 

I wish the sec did their job! Is it worth saving a couple of hedgefunds at the cost of furthering the distrust in the US market. What are we doing here? 

Are we not in this together? As a species? Stop trying to save corrupt financial terrorists! 

Why are you even considering a Rule that further helps these corrupt financial terrorists to naked Short? 

Its really important for the integrity of the market, that this rule is denied. 

We the retail investors are sick of playing in this ponzi-scheme. DO YOUR JOB or lose EVERYONES trust in the market. Then you can play by yourself in this ponzi scheme with the US dollar being worth jack shit.