Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-03
From: Rebecca Alexander

Apr. 20, 2022

To whom it may concern,

Rule SR-NSCC-2022-03 is absolutely absurd, and defeats the purpose of a free and fair market. If you want the general population to participate in the market, this is not the way to protect them or conduct business. Institutions need to be held accountable for their losses in the same way an individual does. While so many retail investors are already disenchanted by the market, you have the responsibility to protect them and the average american who isn’t aware know how rigged the system is. You cannot continue to wage war on peoples’ livelihoods by being complicit in a corrupt system, that is not your job. It’s one thing to be silent or to recognize your lack of power/oversight and its another to support and attack with illegal activity. Institutions do not deserve special treatment and you can’t just create new rules to fix their mistakes.

I hope you do the right thing.

Rebecca Alexander