Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Bryan N/A

Apr. 20, 2022


This is disgusting. We no longer live in a free market in this country and haven't for sometime. Constantly the top dictates the rules why the bottom (retail) get punished. 

It's been widely apparent that buying a stock makes no impact on it's price and all the pricing is determined by hedge funds in the dark pools. 

A shorted share comes with a responsibility of that share being CLOSED. That is the risk taken, the shorters are responsible if it doesn't go their way. There are certainly no protections in place for retail so why should the ones with BILLIONS of dollars be treated any different. 

It's become disgusting the level of corruption in the market while the SEC sits back and not only lets it happen, but only fights for the big guy. 

If you are over-shorting, you take on the risk of bankruptcy. End of story. 

SR-NSCC-2022-003 should NOT PASS. How about an ACTUAL free market instead? 

-Disgusted retail investor