Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 comment
From: Horia C.

Apr. 20, 2022


Deae Sir or Madam, 

It's not surprising that all these new rules are being presented as a way to kick the FTD can down the road. We are already seeing an alarming amount of FTDs not being addressed. Big hedge funds can come up with clever ways to hide their FTDs already, probably from previous rules and financial instruments, just like the one in front of you right now. I will be honest with you, whether or not you approve this won't really affect me. I have lost all faith in the stock market and the ability of the insitutions such as yours, to implement and enforce rules meant to protect all investors. Including retail. Right now I am only holding heavily naked shorted, rehypothicated stock with a high idiosyncratic risk. But anyway, please don't approve this new rule that would push more retail investors away. 

Kind regards,