Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Robert Li

Apr. 20, 2022


To the SEC, 

The is a comment for SR-NSCC-2022-003: 

The capital markets lacks transparency and accountability at large for institutions, so I’m disappointed this rule is being proposed. 

I've reviewed every single page of legalese in the file and it is clear what this rule is actually about. 

This proposal would increase avoidance of true market price discovery through onward lending. It also removes the risk of naked shorting entirely, which is a necessary deterrent in what is supposed to be a risky business practice. 

This ruling would only benefit market makers who excessively naked short securities, and only create negative effects for parties in the, opposite side of their shorting. This by definition hinders “competition” and instead promotes unfair trading advantages. 

Fail to delivers still remain in at large problem and since the passing of REG SHO, only toothless measures have been implemented to punish the banks and parties involved. 

As an investor in the capital markets, I am disappointed to see something like this propose and threaten our freedom and security to access free and fair markets. 

I hope to hear back from you, 
