Subject: Withdraw SR-NSCC-2022-003 proposal immediately
From: Mike R

Apr. 20, 2022


As a Canadian citizen, for years I laughed whenever I heard or read comments from American's that "The markets are rigged"... Until January of 2021 when I literally watched the entire system work against the individual investor with the GameStop gamma squeeze... Since then I've watched dozens of stocks being manipulated in the name of "market liquidity". 

I will tell you right now, if the SEC continues to turn a blind eye, myself, and millions of other investors will completely lose faith in the US financial institutions and we will simply take our money elsewhere. 

The passing of this proposed SR-NSCC-2022-003 rule would solidify myself pulling every single penny I have out of the US stock market permanently. 

At some point you need to stop protecting the hedge funds that have dug their own graves due to their insufferable greed and corruption and start protecting the main street investors. It's not only your agencies sworn duty, but should be your ethical and moral duty as well. 

Shame on the SEC if this rule passes. I urge you to withdraw this proposal immediately. 

Mike Remke 

Oh, also FYI, here's a list of words and the amount of times they're mentioned in your proposed rule change. Do you see any issues? 

'sponsoring member' (563x)
'sponsored member' (456x)
'default' (176x)
'risk' (115x)
'institutional' (59x)
'securities lending' (16x)
'liquidity risk' (13x)
'credit risk' (12x)
'systemic risk' (5x)
'squeeze' (1x)
'transparent/transparency' (No matches found)
'retail' (No matches found)
'fair' (No matches found)