Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Lowen Exum

Apr. 20, 2022


I am writing to say that this proposed rule is not in the spirit of a free and fair market. This would allow the crime that has occurred in the Market to be swept under the rug and go unpunished. 

The math is clear as day to anyone who can ADD. Market Makers have created more shares than companies have legally issued. When they get to a certain point they start shorting these companies to ensure that their bet is a winner. They use the media to distort the truth about these companies and to influence the buying and selling activity. They have dug a hole so deep that THEY have threatened the stability of the Market and ignoring that FACT would make those who do so complicit with their Crime. 

Serve and Protect us and Keep the Market Free and Fair. 

-A concerned Retail Investor.