Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: hwa N/A

Apr. 20, 2022


I am a retail investor and I strongly oppose this rule. 

It is damaging to the American economic environment because its proposal undercuts trust in the underlying stock market system as a whole. 
The unnecessary complexity of the filing is a calculated move to hide a predatory allowance to market makers at the expense of the everyday investor. 
The proposed rule attempts to "pull a fast one" by using intentionally confusing language to obscure the true intent of the policy, which is to increase avoidance of true market price discovery. 

This rule is a threat to a fair market as it would effectively roll back the Failure To Deliver (FTD) rules by allowing indefinite delay of delivery through the use of Securities Financial Transactions (SFTs). 
Entities that have engaged in illegal short selling practices would incur minimal to no cost to continually reset the 30 day FTD delivery clock. 

This rule is alarming in that it is very obvious that it so clearly aims to bail out large institutions. 
Please consider the concern of retail investors and oppose this rule.