Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Daniel Canto Carriles

Apr. 20, 2022



To whom it May Concern:

As a retail investor im highly concerned about this proposed rule filing, the proposed SFTs (Security Financial Transactions) are a nasty way to just by pass their obligations of the Failure to Deliver (FTD) why not just make a rule to protect the retail investors and force the owner of the FTD to just comply with their obligations and get that security, its incredible the amount of things that they're proposing again and again to just not get those FTD and just switch them for another security that it may have the same value right now but not the same potential, we are tired of these things, we need fair and better markets for the retail investors and not more abusive rules against us, just make a rule stating the need to solve the FTD problem with the security being Failed to Deliver, with this kind of proposals you only are putting retail investors on a harder position and brokers, prime brokers and Market Makers on a easier one, allowing them to switch their obligations in this proposed way rather than just getting the Failed to Deliver its not in any way the correct way.

Please remove this proposed rule and furthermore please do not try to propose something similar again in the future, as iterations of this have been rejected in the past and continue to be rejected by investors every time they resurface. What a colossal waste of time, mine and yours, to continue to have to repeat this over and over again.

The mission of the SEC is to look out for the well-being of investors such as myself, so I would propose that you direct your attention to doing so. This would best be accomplished by banning Payment For Order Flow which is inherently harmful to retail investors and which unfairly benefits Market Makers and brokers who do not have investors best interest in mind. Another worthy target for your attention would be to shut down the abusive use of dark pools by market makers which has been used to undermine the true value of securities traded by retail investors and to suppress price discovery.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter, and please help the investors from predatory behavior by financial institutions.

Daniel Canto C.