Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Jarod Hickman

Apr. 20, 2022


The following is a comment for File Number SR-NSCC-2022-003: 

The largest players want yet another avenue to get out of their bad bets it seems. This rule has been proposed under different guises twice already, I will do my part to bat it down a third time. 

This rule would do the following: 
Deny true market price discovery through onward lending. 
Remove the risk of naked shorting. 
Incentivize short sellers to be more aggressive than ever. 

There are already too many mechanisms for short sellers to avoid making good on actually delivering shares they have borrowed. Part of the SEC's mandate is to help make free and fair markets, not help bad actors avoid their shitty bets. 

Retail is here, and we care about free markets and our country. I urge you to help end this attack on our free markets.