Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Ben Temple

Apr. 20, 2022

Ah. The "let-them-eat-cake" rule proposal is back again. NO on SR-NSCC-2022-003. This is a bad rule designed to further obfuscate and allow fraud in the system. It's sole purpose is to launder illegal naked shorts & persistent FTDs. 

This proposal has been withdrawn twice already. This is it's third time around. Withdraw it. Bury it. Never bring it back. The market desperately needs more accountability and transparency, not less! Thanks for taking the time to read this. Hope your day is great. NO on SR-NSCC-2022-003. 

Defend the rights of the American people. Do not let them continue to defraud the US public. 

Thank you for your time.