Subject: From a concerned Retail Investor | SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Cozy N/A

Apr. 20, 2022

Dear Sir or Madam, 

after going through proposed rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 I cannot help but feel concerned for the average main street investor. Allowing entities that have been abusing their privileges and resources to profit from inconsistencies in the markets using systematically intransparent financial products and mechanics designed to further extract value from legitimate business ventures, individuals and, on a larger scale, the common population and their pensions, is so obviously wrong, that it shouldn't take a major outcry by Retail to prevent such a rule from passing. This rule will not help curb the disastrous effects of those illegal operations, but will allow the same entities even more freedom and room to find ways to naked short and systematically drive productive businesses into the ground. We have to take massive action to make markets fair and free from corruption. This is not the way to accomplish this. I hope my words as an individual and retail investor won't fall on deaf ears and I sincerely wish for a level playing field when it comes to investing in the markets, whose integrity you as commission are sure to protect. Thank you and have a nice day. 


M. Shon