Subject: File Number SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Field Allison

Apr. 20, 2022

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As a concerned investor, I sincerely hope that this rule is not passed. It is an obvious attempt to allow those that have heavily shorted companies to get out of paying their dues. The faith of an entire generation of investors relies on this rule change not passing.

 If this rule passes, you can be absolutely sure that retail investors all over the world will flee the stock market en masse. I’m addition, many lawsuits will be filed against The SEC, Market Makers, and any other group involved with manipulating the market.

Since January of 2021, I have seen nothing but contempt for retail investors, despite Gary Gensler claiming he is here to help them. It is time for the SEC to do what is right and stand up to these market makers. The fate of our entire “free” market depends on it.

A frustrated, concerned retail investor

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