Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Rourk Mulderig

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 

As an retail investor I am deeply disturbed at the proposed rule SR-NSCC-2022-003. In what seems to be another attempt to obfuscate the market, this rule only serves to add practices which only benefit large investors who already have a seemingly unfettered ability to control the market and exploit it for their gain at the expense of the citizens of the united states. 

Large investors would be given the ability to shirk their responsibilities in delivering products in a manner that would make the most common scam artists envious, promising with the right hand while stealing with the left. 

Again, I am deeply disturbed at the multiple attempts to push this rule and similar rules through, all to the benefit of those who broke rules already established and for which an individual retailed would be severely punished for violating. 

Very truly yours, 
Rourk Mulderig