Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Ben Niedrach

Apr. 20, 2022

The corruption has gone on for too long.  I sincerely hope you don’t think this is wise.  The government exists for the people.  It took me quite a while to really understand that.  You are not servants to these hedge funds or corporations, you are servants to the American people and as such you should work towards our best interests in fairness and justice and equality.  Shut down this new rule, shut down the dark pools, and shut down payment for order flow.  Letting these hedge funds and corporations steal from the poor, while not paying or paying minimal taxes which don’t go to the American people is a recipe for disaster and puts us one step closer to revolution and reformation of our government.  They literally do nothing constructive or positive for the citizens of this country other than line the pockets of a handful of politicians and officials.  Wages are stagnant and housing is through the roof.  This might be the last chance before this country devolves from the capitalistic fuedalism it is in to full blown authoritarianism.  If you are unaware of the history of authoritarian governments let me offer you this spoiler: all of them have failed.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ben Niedrach

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