Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Dr.Funkyerdoder N/A

Apr. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern: 

Proposed rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 is yet another example of the NSCC limiting fair and open markets in order to give an advantage to hedge funds, market makers, investment banks and other large investment organizations while simultaneously obfuscating transparency in the market for retail investors. 

SR-NSCC-2022-003 is an insult to any retail investor who has purchased securities on US markets. Indeed, as a retail investor proposals like SR-NSCC-2022-003 cause me to lose faith in the market and question whether to invest my money in the US at all. If the SEC chooses to endorse such blatantly unfair market practices retail investors will clearly be at an even greater disadvantage than they currently face in a market that is regulated in favor of large and powerful (and often reckless) investment institutions - regulations that consistently disadvantage retail investors. 

This proposed regulation/rule is clearly meant to benefit large institutions that seek to implement trading strategies that will manipulate the market by allowing FTDs (failure to deliver) to continue and worsen along with other nefarious trading practices meant to undermine fair, open, and transparent markets. Such a market environment would not benefit retail investors (such as myself) participating in US markets in good faith but rather leave such honest, good faith investors at a disadvantage and violate retail investors' right to a free and fair market. 

As a retail investor, I rely on the SEC to look out for the well-being of the individual investor by supporting fair, open, and transparent markets and preventing predatory behavior by financial institutions. Please remove the proposed SR-NSCC-2022-003 and prevent future iterations (as this rule proposal is not the first of its kind to already be rejected) of this rule from threatening fair markets from resurfacing. 

Thank-you for your attention to this matter.