Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 - Vote on Proposed Rule
From: Alex Sanchez

Apr. 20, 2022


Good morning, 

I write this email to serve as my strong vote of "No" to the proposed rule, file no. SR-NSCC-2022-003. 

The thought that this rule change is even being considered is very alarming. These proposed rule changes are the reason that the citizens of OUR country, who have been and currently are being robbed by the billions, are leaving the markets. 

Talk about "capital Formation," will be very difficult to achieve when the retail investors pull out of a market that is actively and openly exploiting them. We are talking about millions of lives and families that are being affected. 

What stands in-between these predators and its prey? A set of government agencies who have made their decision of who to protect, time after time again, and unfortunately their decision is not the millions but rather the predators. 

The US will lose its position at the top of the global economy, and rest assured that it will be because of the greed of a few. 
