Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: George Chambrelli

Apr. 20, 2022

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Thank you for taking the time to read my comments here. I think this proposal is a direct attack on retail investors. The lack of transparency in the markets already is at a disgusting level and this proposed rule is only going to murky the waters further.  It’s hard to believe the SEC isn’t complicit with naked short selling and the never ending pile of fail to delivers on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis. This proposed rule will make it easier to hide crime that is being committed daily by financial terrorist on our supposedly free market. It’s bad enough that market makers are also allowed to trade as a hedge fund and payment for order flow is just another way to rob retail blind but this would only make it much much worse. This issue needs to be fixed but this solution is counterproductive to fixing the situation.

If this passes I will never put another penny into this rigged market. Enjoy robbing that last few suckers blind because your markets will only last a few years after this date if you pass this proposed rule. Everyone will leave your markers in droves except for the criminals. Put yourselves on the right side of history. The internet never forgets.


Concerned trader,

George Chambrelli

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