Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Keith Durr

Apr. 20, 2022

To whom it may concern, 

As a retail investor in the markets, I am deeply saddened and appalled by the drop of rule SR-NSCC-2021-10, and the attempt to implement SR-NSCC-2022-003. 

After the events that occurred in 2008, you should honestly be grateful that a single human being has any sort of interest or belief in the US market. Yet, it seems like the powers that be will take every opportunity to turn their backs on anyone who is not a part of the rich elite. 

A bunch of retail investors figured out the lies and corruption, essentially doing your job for you. This leads to the conclusion that if we were able to figure it out, then you sure as hell should have the information and knowledge to figure it out. Which then leads to the further conclusion that you know about it but don’t care to do anything about it. Main Street caught Wall Street in their deceit and this created the opportunity for regular people to obtain life changing results. Yet for some reason, you seem to be doing everything possible to ensure that does not happen. This leads to some questions: Why are you so dead-set on protecting the corruption? Why do you not want “dumb money” to succeed? Now there’s a lot of possible answers to that question, and none of them would be in your favor. Are you paid to look the other way? Are you possibly protecting your own interests? Those seem to be the logical answers at this point. I never thought I’d see the day where the people who are supposed to police the markets are the same people who let corruption run rampant with their eyes closed. 

Wall Street messed up big and now they should have to pay for it. The abuse short selling, dark pools, payment for order flow, pump and dump schemes and blatant market manipulation needs to end. 

Start with Ken Griffin and Citadel. 

Normally I would end an email by saying “thank you” but you’ve done nothing to warrant that.