Subject: Regarding SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Daniel Kerley

Apr. 20, 2022

To whom it concerns:
Others who speak more eloquently than I do said it first and better.  What I care about is fairness, transparency and accountability in the markets.  As I've been a part of the market for a year now, I have seen virtually everything stacked against the retail investor and a house of cards built by elites who want nothing more than to continue to dominate and control a system THEY design and continue to try to manipulate so they can never win.  This rule should not be allowed to pass. 

I used to be just a passive observer, who never thought they'd understand what goes on, but I have become increasingly concerned and frustrated by what I've seen.  I hope you hear the voice and listen to what the PEOPLE are saying and this doesn't become enacted. 

These hedge funds are meant to smartly invest and navigate markets to make money for those that invest in them.  But what about the rest of us?  Why is our voice not important?  I also wonder if those investors would feel the same about their returns from these hedge funds if they knew what sort of dark pool, shady and illegal activities that they use to make them money.
Thank you,
Daniel Kerley
