Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 Comments
From: Aaron Marsh

Apr. 20, 2022


Good Day,  

After reading through this proposed rule change, I can only say that this rule is in the direct interest of fucking over retail investors and benefiting Wall Street, big banks, the NSCC, DTCC, Ceded Co, criminal market makers such as Citadel Securities, and other nefarious actors.  

Retail investors have been at the mercy of these rules for decades, and if this rule is passed then any mention of our markets being "free" or "fair" is utterly reprehensible and morally-bankrupt. How can the SEC say they protect retail investors when a rule such as this that essentially protects naked shorting is even allowed to be written? This rule was written by Wall Street, for Wall Street, at the direct expense of retail investors.  

How much longer will we have to sit by and watch ourselves be robbed in plain daylight by these bastards while our own government aids and abides by these criminals?  

This rule should not be passed in any way, shape, or form. SRTs will effectively allow bad actors to naked short a stock to oblivion, then escape the potential consequences of a lit-market-buy-in when things go south for them. Essentially, the value of my securities can be infinitely manipulated, while the parties responsible make millions of dollars... then, they can avoid the very mechanics that make things fair by utilizing this potentially new "SRT" vehicle. This is the same as defrauding people millions of dollars and only paying a $1000 fine. Absolutely disgusting beyond all belief. 

As a retail investor, I already have next to no faith in the markets, and the SEC's ability to properly regulate them. If this rule is passed, I wholeheartedly will not put a single extra dollar into the markets, ever. This rule proves that nefarious actors such as Hedge Funds, big banks, and market makers write the rules to benefit themselves at the direct expense of retail.  

Best Regards, 

Aaron P. Marsh 

3602 Allyn Dr NW 
Kennesaw, GA