Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Matthew O'Connell

Apr. 20, 2022


Good morning, 

Upon seeing this rule presented, I was excited to see that more rules were being implemented to protect the average retail investor and the market as a whole, but upon further review, it appears that this rule is doing the exact opposite of that message. I would like to state my immense disapproval of this rule, as it seemingly is intended to exacerbate the problems we are seeing with the segregation from the laws of supply and demand in the marketplace, disallowing natural price improvement through further facilitating an avenue for failures to deliver. It is my belief that this rule is dangerous to the function of a free market, and should not be passed. 

In addition to the comments on this rule, I would like to remind the SEC that they are responsible for protecting the people, rather than the interests of Wall Street. Please do so, as it doesn't appear that that goal is being taken seriously in the least, and the people who are furious about it are simply getting lip service. 

Thank you for taking my comments into consideration. I hope that we can one day, have the fair and free market that we deserve. 


Matthew R. O'Connell