Subject: File Number SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Francis Kain

Apr. 20, 2022


To the SEC, 

I am writing to voice my protest to the NSCC proposed rule change of SR-NSCC-2022-003. This proposed change, particularly the creation of the SFT, is an affront to all retail investors. It is clear to me that the purpose of the SFT is to faciliate and ease the process of illegal short selling; to allow large institutions to take on enormous amounts of illicit risk while shirking any accountability to the true value change in their positions. It is hard not to see such an unfair proposal as anything but class warfare: the NSCC is hoping to change the rules in favor of a select few members at the cost of truly everyone else participating in the American economy. Please do not allow Wall Street to rob the middle class via this egregiously unfair and crime-forgiving proposal. 

-A Disillusioned "Investor" 

Frank Kain