Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Robert Bromund

Apr. 20, 2022



After thoroughly reading the proposed rule it seems to be a lifeline for the big players in the stock market. Between the reverse repo program, government bailouts, and outrageously over leveraged account; how many more cushions do they need? In 2008 Wall Street bankrupted america and they are well on their way to do it again but much, MUCH larger this time around. As someone who participates in this corrupt and unfair market, this is crossing the line. If the 1% makes a bad call and they lose a lot of money so be it. They will get bailed out by the government (still our money) time and time again. 

Do not pass this rule. SEC is supposed to push for a fair market with “transparency” yet all retail hears is crickets. I’m excited to never be apart of this corrupt stock market again after MOASS arrives. I’m sure this will go straight to the spam folder but I’m glad I took the time to write my opinion just so you know how retail investors feel about protecting your rich friends. 

Regrettably yours, 
