Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Anonymous

Apr. 20, 2022

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To whom it may concern,

As a taxpayer, citizen of the United States of America, and a retail investor, I urge the SEC to withdraw this proposal immediately and without delay.

This proposal does not benefit the retail investor in any way, shape, or form. This proposal means exponentially increased share lending without accountability for Bad Actors making poor choices and putting everyone else at risk. This administration has done nothing to stop systemic risk, naked shorting selling, PFOF, or dark pool trading abuse by those who wish to take price discovery away from our “free” and “fair” markets.

Let history show that this commission is officially on notice from the people of this country, who are sick and tired of waiting for change. This commission is ineffective and has done nothing to rid our country of the crooked hands on Wall Street. Americans will look back on this commission and wonder why they were represented by a self-regulating organization that did nothing of material benefit for them. It is a sad disgrace, the blatant disregard this agency has for criminal activity under its watch. You are not good government. Withdraw this proposal immediately, if you have any remaining patriotism.

Thank you.