Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003 comment
From: Alex Strauts

Apr. 20, 2022


Good Morning, 

You guys should be embarrassed to reintroduce this garbage. As an American citizen this shit blows my mind. This isn't the solution we need to fix the market and it's terrible corruption. This is a bandaid to hide a problem that will continue to grow if unchecked. 

Your job isn't some throw away position. You're important. You have an obligation to tell your bosses to eat it and do what's right to protect the little guy. This rule offers no benefit to the average American and only allows for more complex and confusing garbage to slip through the cracks. 

Citizens want transparency, we want fair and equitable markets for the people, we want a chance at the American dream. 

You aren't paid enough to destroy the country you live in, and you know it. 


Alex Strauts