Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003

Apr. 19, 2022


Dear SEC 

Rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 appears to be specifically written to enable large Wall Street firms the ability to process and hide criminal activity.
The proposed ‘Securities Financial Transaction’ (SFT) is yet another intentionally confusing term – with no real world meaning, likely being created to add even more complexity to the stock market in an attempt to confuse small retail investors.
The intention of the SFT appears to be a mechanism to manage the ongoing Failure To Deliver (FTD) of stocks; and create a behind-the-scenes lending program to let large firms get away with naked short selling without being forced to deliver the shares.
Please do not approve SR-NSCC-2022-003. Naked short selling is illegal; and if the intention is to create a rule to facilitate an illegal activity, not only should the rule be rejected, whom-ever is behind the submission of this rule should be removed from office.

Jack Sarken