Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003

Apr. 19, 2022


To the Public Servant It May Concern, 

I am appalled by the mere suggestion that a filing like this could be established as a rule over our markets. This piece of law is clearly written by large banks who intend to dodge laws and continue to pilfer the investments of actual productive citizens. This rule must not be enacted. The SEC should be trying to PROSECUTE bad actors who intend to abuse naked shorting and FTDs, not protect them. This is an embarrassment to your institution. I hope for all our sakes that the executives at the SEC can eventually put together some rulings that will help citizens build trust in the market again instead of whittling it away. Untold damage has already been done since 2008 and before; we do not want any more back doors for greedy bankers and hedge funds to escape the havok they are wreaking upon a once fair market. 

Thank you for your service, dear reader, and thank you for your time. My frustration is not with you as the lovely individual you are, but with the institution you serve-- the institution which is supposed to be serving Americans. 

Will, Individual Investor