Subject: SR-NSCC-2022-003

Apr. 19, 2022


You know, it's funny. I had a comment all prepared that was professional. It was going to point out the nuances of the rule you're proposing and the possible pitfalls of putting one type of investor over another. It was going to close with how this is a rule that leaves people like me at a disadvantage in the financial world. 

The funny part of this all is you already know that. You did/doing this on purpose. You simply cannot displease the rich people pulling your strings. My comment would have been pointing out the obvious. The only new information my comment would have provided was evidence that you'd been caught trying to pass it. 

So shame on you instead. Shame on you for not having a spine and having your offices coated with slime and corruption. Shame on the fact that you can't tell what the right thing to do is anymore because the truth has become so unconscionable. You're supposed to be independent, neutral, and respectful to all. What happened along the way? Did you lose your way, or did you never have it to begin with? 

You should be ripping into the rich like a rabid animal and tearing them to shreds for what they've done to this country. You should be furious and letting that fury dictate your actions instead of veiled threats about your job and career. You should be enforcing the rules, not helping find ways to break them. It is a terribly sad day when the knowledge of what is right and just gets eclipsed by fear of what can be done to you. And I absolutely hate you all for it. Your lack of a moral compass in the presence of moneyed interests make me want to vomit. 

Sincerely written, 
With every moral fiber that makes me who I am, 
