Subject: Comment on File Number SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Adam Williams

Apr. 19, 2022


To whom it may concern at the SEC; 

My name is Adam Williams, I am a private investor. It has come to my attention that a new rule is being proposed SR-NSCC-2022-003 and I oppose this rule on behalf or retail investors, and institutional investors who seek to compete in a fair, transparent and just marketplace. 

This rule seeks to continue to hide the illegal activities of rampant over-leverage and illegal short sellers that seek to destroy our free and fair markets. 

I implore the SEC to challenge this rule, and disallow its implementation. Perhaps instead, the agency could turn its attention toward other efforts, such as punishing wrongdoers in our markets, instead of spending time entertaining the proposals from criminal organizations that seek to dictate and control your agency. 

Please act on behalf of the American people, and our future. Thank you. 

Adam Williams