Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Grant Seerley

April 24, 2022

Thank you for the opportunity to reply, as I understand this rule completely gives Banks, hedge funds Mm's the ability to not be accountable for their screw ups. I understand your job-duty is to oversee and make sure markets are fair and transparent, but until the SEC enforces rules and regulations now on the books, you are creating new rules that effectively worsen what has created the mess Wall Street has put America in. History shows and it is well defined the failure and cost to average Americans from the corrupt shenanigans of WallStreet. Why it continues is beyond grasp.Clean up and enforce rules you have, no more \"rule changes\" Retail is NOW aware of what is being purpotrated to protect the very ones guilty of the mess you find yourselves in. There is a reason God gave us a conchince, a reminder not to F/u again. Use your governed power to do what's right. Thank you