Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Business International Group, Private Properties
Affiliation: Official Degenerate

April 22, 2022

The SR-NSCC-2022-003
Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Establish the Securities Financing Transaction Clearing Service and Make Other Changes proposal is atrocious and hurts retail investors.

Acknowledge that the SEC and FED have deliberately allowed bad actors, such as market makers Citadel, Melvin Capital, et al, to take advantage of lesser advantaged citizens futures by robbing them of a free and fair market with purposeful lawbreaking and miniscule reprimand.

This proposal seems to allow their bad bets to continue unabashed and abated in punishment, if at all.

Furthermore, it is our prerogative that with rising interest rates and bleak outlook on property ownership with means allowed 40 years ago with no meaningful gap fill in wage pay by comparison, will aggravate the population to mass rioting. Causing innumerable damages to property and infrastructure.

It truly is up to you. And striking down this proposal would be a small first step in the more right direction than has been.

But know there are some of us who understand the bait. Whatever else you're masking rest assured it should be swift and decisive.