Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Individual - SQ

April 22, 2022

To whom it May Concern,
This new rule SR-NSCC-2022-003 seems like a Get Out of Jail Free Card from the game Monopoly to benefit those guilty players that create fails to delivers and naked shorts. The difference is we are not all playing with paper money, this is real to us. Please consider the millions of global investors that are watching the SEC right now. How will the SEC and DOJ handle all the nefarious deeds going on behind closed doors yet really in plain sight (if you choose to look for it). You will lose the faith of global investors if you continue to enact rules with blatant dis-regard for \"Free and Fair Markets\". The amount of obvious manipulation of price movement by \"spoofing\", Naked shorting and fails to deliver - needs to stop. This rule will only benefit those that are complicit in these nefarious activities.
Why would you allow to exempt certain short positions and even allow temporary short positions to flatten out their position? You will lose the trust in the American Stock Market on a Grand Global Scale. When financial institutions make a bad bet that is on them, it isn't our stock market's job to bail them out How would SFTs provide liquidity, this is clearly written to benefit those that are about to get margin called. And who stands to benefit from this? Please do not pass this law and keep our markets \"Free and Fair\" for All.