Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Dr. Bradley Herman

April 22, 2022

To whom it may concern,

This ruling shows the blaring misuse of power in the financial systems today. The individuals proposing the rules are the exact people the rule benefits. The crossing of position boundaries between different tiers of the financial market, such as holding a position at citadel and DTCC at the same time undermines the fairness and equality of the system. As doctor when these lines are crossed ethical ramifications ensue and change is made. However, in the financial industry these behaviors are rewarded with money stolen from hard working Americans.

This ruling should not and can not be passed as it only protects those who have gambled with money that was not theirs to begin with and made poor decisions with the intent to line there own personal pockets. This ruling helps the few and harms the many. The sheer greed of the elitist in this world is the inherent problem that has not only led to the current market issues but also has led to the enormous socioeconomic disparity in this world. Change must come but not at the expense of the working people only to benefit those that have more wealth already that they will never be able to use or spend

Please consider these words. These crucial turning points in the financial world is what will lead to chaos from the masses and inevitable downfall of the entire system.