Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Darwin Munoz

April 22, 2022


Here's my comment: When broken down, this
proposed rule change is CLEARLY designed to
protect institutions/individuals from the natural
consequences of unconscionable and/or
ILLEGAL activity in the stock market,
specifically the engagement in synthetic share/
naked short transactions, which have been
used to artificially suppress and manipulate
stock prices. This activity protects large and
powerful entities from losses due to their own
poor investments, an advantage that common
retail investors dont enjoy. The common retail
investor can lose everything and the regulatory
agencies do not seem to care, while the large
and powerful hedge funds always seem to have
the safety net of nefarious rule changes or
bailouts. But as millions of us are now learning,
retail losses are sometimes not even due to to
poor investment choices, but rather we are
merely victims of corrupt and illegal stock
market practices being committed by hedge
funds, market makers, brokers, etc. And this
time, we are watching. If retail investors are not
properly represented and protected moving
forward, our voices WILL be heard around the
world, and this could have a negative impact on
the markets as a whole moving forward.