Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Keeghan Isenor

April 22, 2022

Hi. I'm the guy you owe a lot of money to and this is fraud. This rule blatley disregardes and acts as a means to discredit my orders and data, and my complaints to numerous agencies and regulatory bodies in Canada, the USA and Abroad, Iv done a very deep dive into the way market mechanics work and I feel this rule as nothing but a way for people to further skirt the law. And regulations your setting forth. If you want to fix this contact me directly. I have screenshots of various stocks, commodities cryptos going to unexplainable numbers, in some cases iv been restricted or duped into thinking I got best exicution price, this happens though block trading and other finacial vehicals which is a forum of blockchain already. If you want me to explain this verbatim to you call me.