Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Charles Woods

April 22, 2022

The SEC has publicly had the stance of trying to level the playing field for retail investors.

Meanwhile, they have taken every opportunity to screw over retail in lieu of the bad players that overwhelmingly control the market.

It is painfully obvious that the SEC levies fines, a variable cash cow. The price of doing business.
How does one become a part of THAT pay to play program?
Invitation only, I suppose?

This proposed rule change further legitimizes the practice of manipulating the market, and always seems to target retail investments.

Eventually, everyone will become even more aware that the SEC has been completely instrumental in screwing over the working class investor.

We do owe the SEC a debt of gratitude for driving us toward a common goal of learning the unfair market practices and realizing the level of scrutiny that the SEC undeniably needs.

When your complicit actions against the common retail investor comes home to roost, you will have no one to blame for the repercussions but yourselves.

We are aware and tired of your misdeeds. When the market can no longer take the obscene derivative exposure that it bears, it will come down. Then, retail could very well pull all of it's money from it.

Pressuring Congress for an oversight committee may be in order.

We all know how Congress would love 25 million pissed off retail voters screaming at their doors.

The SEC has become a joke, laughable at times and embarrassing.

Tell me this, is it a prerequisite to have no honor to become one of your employees or are they slowly start to corrupted into the soulless fractured creatures you have today?

Whatever the case, it's apparent they are the best that money can buy.

How proud you must be.