Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: R G
Affiliation: Financial Analyst

April 22, 2022

NSCC 003 does NOT even attempt to fix the root of the problem. Where in this filing can the people see the plans on how the SEC will begin to curb naked short selling, market manipulation, massive over-leveraging by banks and hedge funds, the RRP/over night bail out program that bails banks out to the amount of over $1T+ per DAY, and the many other secret (plunge protection team) practices that take place that put these institutions in the position that require them to fire sale securities to raise money to meet margin calls? All this proposal does is throw gasoline on the fire that causes these events while the flames grow higher and burn stronger eventually leading to a greater meltdown a few months from now. How much more money will be printed? Isn't inflation bad enough. Isn't the USD becoming the joke currency in the world (as it should be) due to these absurd \"fixes\". The biggest joke of all is how it is all presented behind the veil of \"protecting retail\". But, here's the thing....the people are on to you crooks. This doesn't protect the people, or \"retail\" to use your label. It just kicks the can further down the road and everyone knows it