Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Ashley White

April 22, 2022

Please do not give banks and hedge funds another way out. The ability to create COUNTERFEIT shares of companies should be banned in EVERY aspect of the United States. How is it even remotely legal. In anyway to make counterfeit \"synthetic\" shares of a company?

Why would ANY new company list on the NYSE.. Why would they want to risk the chance of being shorted illegally into bankruptcy.. Just as they've tried with Tesla.. Not every company is as strong as Tesla.. The SEC is a disgrace to the American people for standing by in 2008.. given that this will be much bigger. We expect action.. MILLIONS of American people are tired of the endless corruption. Do not pass this. Think of the people you will hurt, when you continue to allow companies to be burned to the ground with short selling.