Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Anonymous

April 22, 2022

Collusion, Manipulation, Corruption and any disrespect of the retail investor...that's what this rule represents. It represents fair trading to all, except every day men and women like myself. Example, my friend gets margin called, he/she overleveraged their account, They lose everything...Their fault. Institutions and Market Makers overleverage EVERY DAY, they lose.. It's okay,, you get another free pass, don't do it again or we may have to give you another free pass. They pour drinks on us blue collar workers, laugh at us and damage our futures for the next 20 years. It's okay,, we always persevere. Now more inflation. More Financial suffering. More suicides (as money kills) and most importantly destroys our childrens futures. If you care about every day men and women, this rule should be stopped. We aren't the ones overleveraging an entire countries bank account in 1 sitting. They are. They are colluding, manipulating and corrupting the financial world, we just keep it going. Ive never wrote anything to any official, but this Manipulation and these Financial Nukes need to stop being allowed to happen. We don't get a restart buttons. It's not a game to us. We don't get extra lives. We get 1. They have infinite, and we pay for it with our blood, sweat and tears.