Subject: File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003
From: Rick Agajanian
Affiliation: CPO

April 22, 2022

I am a normal citizen investor. I try to invest my hard earned money in order to support my family, pay my mortgage and eventually retire.

Over the last two years it has become clear that the system is allowing institutional investors and large wall street funds to have an extreme advantage over retail investors.

Failure to enforce existing rules have resulted in short hedge funds being extremely over leveraged. While this extreme overleveraging has resulted in an overall danger to the world market we cannot ignore that this is a result of not enforcing existing rules to protect retail investors from excessive use of dark pool trading, naked shorting and failure to delivers.

Not only is the SEC allowing these funds to profit from these manipulative practice... this new rule seems to be letting them get away with making bad bets and not having to fully cover their losses. Retail investors do not get forgiveness for our mistakes.. Is there no justice for retail investors?

It is clear that retail investors have no protection in this market. I oppose this rule and urge the SEC to consider taking actions to protect market fairness for retail investors